Why choosing strong passwords is important

Cyber crimes have been increasing down the years and it is really very important to choose a strong password.You have your personal and confidential information on the internet.Your password must be strong enough that a hacker or any hacking software will not be able to guess them.

Methods of hacking Passwords
Social Engineering
Click here for a list of top 10 hacking tools that are used to crack passwords.

What are weak passwords
Weak passwords are those that can be guessed easily by a hacker or a hacking program like "123456","password","rockyou","princess","iloveyou" or sequential letters on your keyboard "asdfghjkl" .Weak passwords also include the place where you live,your parents name,your phone number,date of birth,name of your crush,favourite sports team that can be easily known through Social Engineering.

What is a strong password
Strong password include a combination of alphabet,numbers,characters or symbol.You can say "hTyaF@1!a" is a strong password but it is tough to remember it.You can write it in a text or document and save it inyour computer.Else instead of having your password as hacking tutorials,why not put it as H@ck!ng Tut0r!aL.Now this has to be a strong password as it contains lower-case letters,upper-case letters,symbols and numbers.

Generating a strong password
Now you can generate a strong password for yourself by making it a combination of alphabets(both lower and upper case),numbers and symbols.Here is an online password generator tool to help you get a strong password.

Read this post to protect from Phishing attacks .Remember to change your passwords every month or in two months.Do not have same passwords for all your emails as if one account is hacked all your other accounts are hacked too.
read more "Why choosing strong passwords is important"

Hack facebook password using Phishing

Facebook is the most used social networking website in the world.Many of you would want to learn on Hacking Facebook accounts.Here is a simple tutorial to hacks your friends Facebook password using Facebook Phishing Page.

Phishing is the most common and easiest way to hack Facebook passwords.The most widely used practices for Phishing are Fake Login Pages,also called Spoofed Pages.These pages appear similar to the Facebook login page.The slave gets fooled by thinking it is a facebook login page and enters his Facebook username and password.So lets get started.

Things you'll need
1. Facebook Phishing Page
2. Free hosting site account
3. A little brains

Hack Facebook password free

• You need to download facebook Phishing Page.The downloaded file contaions Index.htm and post.php,which you need to upload to a hosting site.
• Upload both these files on any of these free webhost sites.(Register on any of these)

Now Once you uploaded the links.Send the uploaded link(index.htm) to your slave and make him login to his Facebook account.Try shortening the url or putting it in text so that it looks genuine.

Once he outs his Facebook account details in the Facebook Phishing page,his facebook id and password will be stored in "passes.txt".This file is created in your webhosting control panel.
Open the passes.txt to get the hacked Facebook password of your slave.

read more "Hack facebook password using Phishing"

What is Hacking

What is Hacking
Hacking is the act to gain access without legal authorization to a computer or computer network to gain unauthorized access to data in a system.
Now Hacking is illegal as we get access to free data without their permission.A lot of people do hacking for fun,but there are many others who steal credit card informations,hack Payment Processor accounts(Paypal.Liberty Reserve and Alertpay) and trasfer the money to their accounts.
Beginner Hacking
If you are a beginner a hacking,then read all files and watch videos that are remotely related to hacking.This will be a bit ore tedious but will definately help.The more you read the more you know the less the chances of you getting caught.

Hacking Rules(Avoid getting Caught)
1.Never damage a system you hacked.
2.Dont alter any files of the system you have hacked.
3.Avoid sharing information about your Hacking projects with anyone.
4.Avoid using your real information on forums as they can be monitered.
5. DO NOT hack government computers.
6. Keep all your hacking tools safe and inaccessible from others.
read more "What is Hacking"