Why choosing strong passwords is important

Cyber crimes have been increasing down the years and it is really very important to choose a strong password.You have your personal and confidential information on the internet.Your password must be strong enough that a hacker or any hacking software will not be able to guess them.

Methods of hacking Passwords
Social Engineering
Click here for a list of top 10 hacking tools that are used to crack passwords.

What are weak passwords
Weak passwords are those that can be guessed easily by a hacker or a hacking program like "123456","password","rockyou","princess","iloveyou" or sequential letters on your keyboard "asdfghjkl" .Weak passwords also include the place where you live,your parents name,your phone number,date of birth,name of your crush,favourite sports team that can be easily known through Social Engineering.

What is a strong password
Strong password include a combination of alphabet,numbers,characters or symbol.You can say "hTyaF@1!a" is a strong password but it is tough to remember it.You can write it in a text or document and save it inyour computer.Else instead of having your password as hacking tutorials,why not put it as H@ck!ng Tut0r!aL.Now this has to be a strong password as it contains lower-case letters,upper-case letters,symbols and numbers.

Generating a strong password
Now you can generate a strong password for yourself by making it a combination of alphabets(both lower and upper case),numbers and symbols.Here is an online password generator tool to help you get a strong password.

Read this post to protect from Phishing attacks .Remember to change your passwords every month or in two months.Do not have same passwords for all your emails as if one account is hacked all your other accounts are hacked too.
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